¿Sabes cuáles son las C de los negocios?

62 Vistas,

Por: Carlos Arturo Guisarre


Te graduaste. Quizás no consigues el trabajo de tus sueños, no quieres cumplir con un horario de oficina o no quieres trabajar con tus padres. Entonces se te ocurre que quieres emprender.

Tal vez es el mito de Silicon Valley con el que crecimos en los 1990. Posiblemente te has creído todo eso del apoyo a las pymes o quieres imitar a los nuevos héroes o heroínas que “desde abajo” iniciaron rentables negocios que ahora les facilitan ingresos para viajar y tiempo para ir al gimnasio. Desde ahora te digo que si quieres emprender, cosa buena deseas, pero infórmate, este artículo es una gota de agua en el océano de la literatura sobre emprendimiento.

Desde mi punto de vista, los negocios se sustentan sobre tres C: conocimiento, capital y contactos. Expliquemos estas tres variables a partir de mis empresas preferidas, las reposterías.

El conocimiento

Saber lo que estás haciendo, cómo se hace. En la repostería, por ejemplo, tener conocimiento consiste en dominar las recetas de los bizcochos, entender cómo se hace un buen café y contar con buenas estrategias de servicio al cliente.

Otro ejemplo, en un fondo de inversión el conocimiento tiene que ver con conocer las leyes, entender las reglas fiscales y tener buen ojo para identificar una buena inversión.

La universidad es una fábrica, en teoría, de gente con conocimiento que las empresas emplean puesto que necesitan ese ingrediente para llevar a cabo el negocio. Si colocas un parque eólico, debes contratar profesionales que entiendan la energía basada en el viento.

El capital

La repostería necesita maquinaria para la fabricación de sus productos, ya sea hornos, sartenes, ollas, mezcladoras, batidoras, en fin, lo necesario para hacer repostería. También vas a necesitar una cantidad de dinero por adelantado para comprar harina, azúcar y otros ingredientes. Eso es capital, lo que se utiliza para convertir el conocimiento y el trabajo en productos.

Si quieres, por otro lado, fundar una empresa de transporte de pasajeros, los capitales más obvios que puedes emplear son los autobuses.

Los contactos

Siguiendo con la repostería, necesitas saber a quién comprarle la harina, quién te puede reparar el horno y a qué suplidor pedirle el gas con menor precio. También te vendría bien tener una lista de colmados a las cuales colocarles bizcochos o empresas que contratan mesas de dulce por encargos. Sería útil de igual manera conocer wedding planners que contratan tortas de tres pisos. Esos son los contactos.

Al menos dos

En mi opinión, debes empezar un negocio cuando cuentes con al menos dos de tras tres Cs que explicamos aquí, porque si no, no podrás insertarte en el mercado de dependerás mucho de otras personas que te puedan colaborar en un momento dado.

Si tienes conocimientos y capital, puedes comprar los contactos. Si tienes capital y contactos, puedes contratar el conocimiento. Si tienes contactos y conocimiento, puedes ir a un banco o buscarte un inversionista que coloque el capital. Pero no contar con al menos dos de estas variables te hace un emprendedor vulnerable.

Es lo que no te dicen en esas charlas de motivación, pero para eso tienes el Weekend Money. Emprende con valentía, pero con consciencia.

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    The free dating app you need to meet local singles and make friends. Join now! FREE POF DATING APP FOR Taree. Go on memorable dates in Taree. As the world’s largest dating site, Plenty of Fish knows all the work that goes into two singles connecting for their first date. We’re focused on making it fun, easy, and free to. Jun 24, 2022 · Dating taree – Il Fortino. 50 Dating Taree Nsw. 50 Dating Taree Nsw, Gay Hookup Apps 2021 Brunswick West, Free Dating Site In Newport, Dating Places Palmerston Qld, Forest Hill Mature Lesbian Dating, Top Dating Apps Near Boronia, Millionaire Matchmaker Near Forest Lake. 100% Free online dating in Taree. 1,500,000 Daily Active Members. Yes, TopFace offers premium membership in three different package badoo: You can send a sign to other members of TopFace by clicking the top icon on their profiles or the sign top of TopFace. It is like a step-up form of ‘like’. It lets other members know that you are really into them. As for any other dating top, using TopFace is not entirely safe. Users are expected to be cautious and responsible for their actions when using the badoo. Thank you with your question.

  • Many Christians struggle with the idea of online dating. They wonder, “How does God feel about online dating? Does he see it as not trusting him? Is online dating a sin? What does the Bible say about things like online dating?” As a business owner, relationship strategist, best coach, and officer in the U. Available on App Store iOS? Yes Available on Google Play? Yes App Store Rating — 4. Here are the current membership costs for Christian Mingle. Yes App Store Rating: 3. Yes App Store Rating: 4. Online Christian Dating is now an accepted and trusted medium to connect with Christian singles not only in your local area but throughout Australia. Veemance defaults to a 500km search radius from your postcode, however you can extend this to search for Christian singles throughout Australia or reduce your search radius.
    My thoughts on it: I’ve heard of success stories on POF so I figured it couldn’t be that bad, but the majority of the messages I received were guys being very forward or just asking the most bizarre sexual things. I expected this app to be a little more PG than ones like Yumi — but I probably only had about two normal/non-sexual conversations out of many. Coffee Meets Bagel hopes to offer people better-quality matches by sending curated daily matches, or “bagels,” each day at noon. They suggest ice-breakers for first messages and the profiles are more in-depth than Tinder. For people who like a little extra hand-holding, CMB isn’t the worst option. However, I found the app confusing to use, with too many features and a lot of gimmicks. I shouldn’t have to look up online tutorials to figure out how to use a dating app. Plus why call matches Bagels?

  • Do you think your skin is too oily for Pearl? Don’t panic, I know that sometimes oily skin doesn’t need any more glow, this is why I recommend the POREfessional Pearl for somebody that has combination skin with dull tones or dry patches. So if you’re still confused about which one you need, read on below to find out which POREfessional primer will suit your concerns. -To smooth and brighten, layer the over “That Gal” Brightening Face Primer (sold separately). Pat the primer on problem areas and blend with fingertips. Can be used under makeup as a primer to help makeup stay put or over makeup to blur flaws and fight shine. The new pore care line builds on the success of Benefit’s bestselling ‘porefessional’ primer, is suitable for all skin types and aims to provide “innovative multitasking solutions for your pore concerns in one place.”
    Most blush brushes are going to be a tad larger, but the longer, slimmer shape of this MAC brush is exactly what landed it on our list. It’s perfect for diffusing blush on the cheekbone for a lifted look. More importantly, the brush is worth the investment. The high-quality synthetic fibers last a damn long time. (Editor’s note: This brush also works great for setting powder in the under-eye area—it’s the perfect size and shape for the eye contour.)  A vibrant liquid version of our classic powder blush. ₹585 A blush brush is essentially a set of bristles on a stick, much like a paintbrush. In fact, some professional makeup artists use paintbrushes to apply blush. The bristles of a blush brush can be soft or coarse, and can also vary in size and shape. They can be made out of natural hair or synthetic hair. The texture, shape and composition of a blush brush will affect the way that the makeup is applied.

  • Spend to save up to 25% with code SPENDTOSAVE for a limited time only. T&Cs apply This is because both jade rollers and gua sha tools help facilitate lymphatic drainage — which basically means they help get rid of face bloat. Yes, please! When using a face rolling tool, you want to massage or roll your skin away from your face. Use your face roller for up to 5 minutes daily to see a temporary boost in your appearance. Using your face roller in the morning can help you achieve a more sculpted effect. Be gentle when using the roller on your skin, and stop if it starts to hurt. Rose quartz face roller comes in different shapes and sizes, but typically, it comes like a wand with polished crystal rollers on both sides. Taking a different approach to facial massage, Dr. Maryam Zamani’s slender Tone & Lift tool is studded with small black obsidian stones that work to neutralise pollution particles left to linger on your complexion. With circulation boosted, facial contours come firmly back to the fore.
    There are no reviews yet. If you require specific advice on any Waitrose branded product, please contact our Customer Care Team. For all other products, please contact the manufacturer. Gently purge your talons of stubborn colour with this non-acetone nail polish remover. Designed to treat nails with extreme care, the nourishing formula conditions and fortifies as it lifts away existing polish. Formulated an ultra-caring oil complex, including Pomegranate oil to provide superior nail conditioning and nourishment Gentle formula without acetone does not dry out nails and cuticles and helps prevent white marks Unlike traditional non-acetone removers, it can easily remove stubborn polishes, like long-wear and glitter Is it Oat Free?Yes! We believe this product is oat free as there are no oat ingredients listed on the label.

  • One of the big names in the battle royal genre, Apex Legends, serves you with all the elements that you need in a co-op game. It is a squad-based co-op game where you team up with up to 3 persons and compete in Battle Royal mode against other teams online. You can also form 2×2 or go on a 1v1 head-to-head battle. The last person or squad standing wins the game. This title provides an experience that is rare to find: a story-driven game for two players only, meaning that cooperation is mandatory for development. Just like the main characters, inmates Vincent and Leo, who are striving to escape prison, only together you’ll manage to fool the guards, gather the necessary tools for the tasks and stay alive in car pursuit while being shot at. A good balance between the action and cutscenes makes A way Out enjoyable for different types of gamers, even if they’re two complete opposites. This one, no doubt, is for true partners in crime that enjoy top split screen PC games. 
    by JamesG466 – Semi-idle game where yo… The Last Stand: Aftermath is an exciting action-packed zombie game developed by Con Artist Games (the creators of the popular The Last Stand series). In this standalone top-down game, players take on the role of a survivor exploring the ruins of civilization as you scavenge for supplies to craft weapons and other items. Using stealth and combat skills to stay alive, players can even unlock powerful mutations to enhance their abilities. A cool feature of The Last Stand: Aftermath is that when a survivor dies, players can start the game again as a new character with unlocks based on their progress from the previous run. With over 100 million downloads, 600+ gameplay war scenarios, more than 70 types of gun weapons, and large maps, Madfinger’s Dead Trigger 2 is one of the best zombie games for iPhone.The game, which offers the opportunity to play with touch control or a virtual joystick, is in the FPS genre.

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